Monday, May 7, 2018

Ultimate Dinghy Cradle

Ultimate Dinghy Cradle -- May 7, 2018  -- Since I sold my Tanzer 16 (now I crew and work on committee boat) I don't get down to the dinghy dock as often as I used to.  Imagine my surprise when I saw this "up-scale" launch/retrieve cradle created by a local Harpoon sailor, Kevin.  Kevin is a real craftsman and he believes that anything worth doing is worth over-doing.  I can't wait to see him launch and retrieve his 500-pound boat. It is about the same weight as the Tanzer 16.  The pictures can tell the rest of the story.  All the metal is aluminum or stainless steel.  Follow up:  I watched Kevin retrieve and launch the boat.  Single person operation--easy--safe--love it when a plan comes together.

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