
Friday, June 27, 2014

Tanzer 16 Traveler for Main--Correction

Tanzer 16 Traveler for Main--Correction -- June 27, 2014  -- I need to correct an error on my last post. I showed you a picture of Ralph Crouse's boat and said that someone had added the tracked traveler arrangement.  This one:

Turns out I was wrong; it came that way from the factory as an option--just like the pedestal.  I was looking at the plans--getting ready to work on the new mast--and I noticed the following:

Today's cliche (worth repeating):  Necessity is the mother of invention, but assumption is father of screw-up.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Tanzer 16, Painting, Complete Refurb--Wow

Tanzer 16, Painting, Complete Refurb--Wow -- June 23, 2014 -- Drove down to Vancouver, Washington yesterday to buy a mast from Ralph Crouse.  He had a spare because he completed a total reburb on his Tanzer 16 and used the mast from a Ranger 16.  Wow!  what a great job Ralph has done. The boat is for sale--asking $4000.  It's worth more!

Ralph with the boat.  He has a Lightning that has received the same TLC.

The first thing you notice is the paint job.  The hull is a bright, canary yellow.  The deck gleams in white--the non-skid areas are painted yellow.  The cockpit is white, the seating area is a nice grey. Ralph used a roller and brush to apply the Interlux Brightside paint.  The whole job looks as good (maybe better) than my spray work.  The Interlux folks say this in their literature, but it never worked for me.

Check out the traveler.

In addition to the paint, Ralph put on a brand new rub rail.  He has rigged a topping lift for the boom, and created a much beefier and more user-friendly mast step.  The boat has an Elvstrom bailer.  Someone substituted a tracked traveler  for the main sheet.  Ralph says he doesn't use it much.  The sails are in good shape; the main has slugs.  He has rebuilt the rudder head.

Top L: beefier mast step.  Top R: factory pedestal--2:1 purchase on center
board control.  Halyard cleats under pedestal--an idea worth copying.  
Bottom L: Bailer.  Bottom R: Main traveler.  

In addition to all this, Ralph's wife runs a commercial sewing operation, and she made a full cover for the boat.  As you might guess, the trailer is first rate too.  What a treat to see his boat and steal some ideas.  The boat won't measure for class events, but it is fun to sail and races competitively in Portsmouth handicapped events.

If I didn't already own a boat, I would buy this one--a steal at four thou.  See Ralph's add on Craig's List--Portland.

Today's Cliche:  Anything worth doing is worth overdoing.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Tanzer 16 New Sails

Tanzer 16 New Sails -- June 14, 2014 -- It was subtle, and we would have realized sooner if we raced head-to-head with other Tanzers.  Almost every boat on the race course could out point us; even with a steady wind we would need two extra tacks to reach the weather mark.  At first I thought it was sail trim and poor helmsmanship (mine).  Added tell tales so we could trim better.  With the main and Genoa laid out on a work bench, I realized that our sails were thinner than well used handkerchiefs, and they folded way too easily.

That was when I realized they were probably the original sails--May of 1976--and just plain old worn out.  Also read an article on sail trim that noted, "All else equal, newer sails win."  Tanzer class association must think so too.  They say, "New sails may not be purchased more than once every two years unless specifically authorized by the Chief Measurer in writing, and then only for the reason that the sail to be replaced has been destroyed or rendered unusable."

Contacted Tanzer Boat Parts*; they went to their friend Benoit (Ben) and had two beautiful sails made for #1306, a main and a jib.  A Genoa is on order.  When everything is done, the sails will cost more than the boat and trailer--but still quite reasonable.  The workmanship and detailing are meticulous.  Frankly, they should be charging a bit more.  Of course the cloth feels like sheet metal compared to the old sails, and you have to think that sail cloth has probably improved a lot in the last 40 years.  

We did opt for slugs on the luff of the main--prohibited by class rules.  We race in a mixed Portsmouth fleet so the boat doesn't have to measure, and the slugs (and topping lift) make it way easier to get the main up quickly and clear the launch ramp dock for others.

Can't wait to get these sails in a race and see how we do; I 'll let you know.  (Of course they look so nice, we will probably have to paint next--there's just no end to it--then the trailer will look crappy.

*See Links

The workmanship is beautiful--thanks Ben.

Today's Cliche:  Excessive profits breed ruinous competition--unless you're big pharma, investment banking, or the cable company.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Tanzer 16 Placement of Jib Sheet Track and Block for single handers

Tanzer 16 Placement of Jib Sheet Track and Block for single handers -- June 9, 2014 -- The previous owner of #1306 liked to sail by himself, and he wasn't afraid to move the jib sheet track to make that easier.

Instead of the factory placement, he shifted the track to a wider angle and placed the old cam cleats behind the track. With just a little tiller extension, the cleats can easily be reached by the helmsman. In our new set up, with the snubbing winch, the changed placement is not an issue for a crew member who is tailing the jib. It's also nice to be able to move the block outboard on downwind leg.

For those who race in the measured class, I don' think it violates the rules: "No placement of the jib track and block, or any other block, shall be so positioned that trimming of the jib sheets can be made at an angle further inboard than that of the angle from the jib clew to the track block as placed by the manufacturer. (August 1978)" It doesn't prohibit outboard!

When sailing alone, I really appreciate his modification. I have no idea how this will affect the spinnaker sheets/guys--if we ever get a chute. Of course I will need to fill the old holes when I get around to painting the deck.

Much easier reach for single-handing. The old holes are visible
to the left of the track.

Today's Cliche: The only thing worse than quitting too soon is hanging on too long.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Early Tanzer 16 Spreaders

Early Tanzer 16 Spreaders --  June 5, 2013 --  Still trying to get a handle on an easier way to step the mast on my Tanzer #1306--I sift the Internet looking for information. A second look at Murray Milburn sailing his boat #104 revealed something I hadn't noticed the first time--spreaders.  Now and then I used to tangle and break the spreaders on my C-Lark--glad my Tanzer doesn't have them. Couldn't get a look at the mast base to see if it was hinged.  Interesting!

Murray' video can be seen at:

Today's Cliche:  Money talks, but cash screams.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Tanzer 16 Improved Mast Step

Tanzer 16 Improved Mast Step -- June 2, 2014 --Tanzer 16 Improved Mast Step -- I apologize in advance; this idea came from a reader, and I lost track of who sent it--phone/email issues.  When I am reminded, the contributor will get credit.

Once you have your mast up in the air, you need to slip the special saddle-shaped fitting at the bottom of the mast over the keelson.  It is a very tight fit, especially with 31 pounds of mast wobbling around 18-20 feet over your head.  This little gadget widens the target considerably.  Think I will make one soon.  Also pursuing the idea of getting another mast and installing a hinge.

This little base (38) has to fit over the keelson

So now you have a smaller (better fitting) base for the saddle and extra support.

Today's Cliche:  When price is no object, assume they will not be paying you.