
Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Tanzer 16 -- Getting started on repainting -- king post

Tanzer 16 -- Getting started on repainting -- king post  -- September 23, 2015  --  Right after our last race at the end of August, we pulled the boat and began stripping off the hardware.  The plan is to repaint this winter.  A couple of days ago I pulled out the king post (see page:  Gin Pole Mast Raising System.)  For 40+ years people have been drilling holes in the bottom of the mast, and it was getting pretty beat up.  So--just for grins--I decided to fix it up and paint it.  It would have worked just fine, but didn't look so fine.

The holes are for the boom vang and centerboard lanyard.  The penciled circles
show where the new holes will go.

Filled the old holes with JB weld in the putty stick.  Then sanded everything
with 60 grit, then 120.

Then added four coats of Rustoleum Hammerite.  Looks
pretty good.  Too bad most people will never see it.